Monday, November 29, 2010


The filming is done for my current short film in collaboration with Chris.

I'm gunna put several links that you can go and check out the progression of things if you'd like. 

----Test Footage

----Work/Play Day

----First Run

----Behind the Scenes Cory crashing through window

These are just short flip You-tube videos that we took for documentation purposes during the past few weeks.

The process of making this whole short has been pretty amazing. The financial struggles of scraping together materials, and finding daylight hours to construct and plan each element of the hall were if anything, exhausting. Chris and I have put about a grand into the creation of the actual structure, but the man power from friends and relatives; as well as ourselves is unmeasurable. 

Ive learned a lot about compromise, and time management what it means to collaborate 100%. Chris has been an amazing partner to have in this project and i am so grateful for all of the hours he has put in to making this piece happen. ilu

We have a lot of retouching and sound re-doing that needs to happen before the scene can be called 'finished' but i know that my body is relieved that the majority of the action scenes are done.

This is 1 of 67 large contusions on my body, courtesy of the hallway/furniture

Being in this hall was such a task, but it made the idea of 'acting' idiot proof. I would have a task, or goal to accomplish in a scene and then i would react as needed to tables falling, feet slipping, books breaking or curtains blocking my view; while also trying to keep Chris following me with the camera and make sure i was in his focal range for the shot. It sounds complicated, and it was/is we would have to stop after every take and reset all the props and let my feet warm up, or wipe blood of my legs. ( we were filming during 30 degree weather so i would start shaking and shivering when i wasn't being tossed about. the floor boards in the hardwood floors would get pulled up and scrape my knees and shins causing gashes that would bleed through my costume so we had to stop periodically until they stopped.)

Yeah i know, I'm a B.A.

I think the hardest part of being in there was trying not to anticipate the blow i knew was CONSTANTLY coming. there was a rocking pattern that i tried to ignore and focus on my body's reaction to the space rather than the space effecting my body. which is a difficult thing to do... rather than moving a chair so its out of your way the space moved me out of the way so a chair could fit. Its strange to feel so helpless when everything else has so much power. It in a way, was very humbling.

Our short will be shown at the DF end of semester show, as well as final critique on monday.


Chris Yager, Kat,  Josh, Nick, Mitchell, Shane, Brandon, Jason, Mike D., Frank, Joe F, Gary Durr, Alex Durr, London Durr, Carol-Dan-Tayler-Sarah Hinesley, Jessica Pretti, Pete Whiteman,----- and im sure a ton of other people im forgetting at the moment.

We couldn't have done this without you.

Friday, November 5, 2010

excuses excuses...

I have to admit i disgust myself with my lack of updates on all of my contributing blogs. such as...

(shameless self promotion)

as well as,
The Collective

I have submerged myself in a project that is exciting and time consuming. But i think in the end it will seriously turn out to be a huge step in my image making process.

I'm working on a short film with Chris Durr, That is referencing ideas related to synchronization and actions that we make that can effect them. Here's a short blurb from Chris's blog were we explain more. 

"As humans we encounter coincidences synchronistic with our thoughts. Now take that a step further and suppose these synchronicities are attempting to guide you somewhere. You may ask where? Or why? The more you ask these questions, or the more attention you feed this idea with - the more these synchronicities answer in regard to your own personal mission. Knowing our personal mission seems to enhance the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided to our destinies. First we have a question; then dreams, daydreams and intuitions that lead us toward the answers which are usually synchronistical provided by the wisdom of another human being. The right person shows up right place at the right time, right"

Branching off from these ideas Chris and I plan to create a visual metaphor for the energies that we effect when we make a decision. To do this we are constructing a practical hallway were a girl is taken over by the energies she exerts into the space. literally... The hallway will be reacting physically by the use of levers, lifts, and human force, tossing the actor throughout the space. 

So far in the pre-production of this piece we have gathered like... uh.. 80% of our materials and we can finally start seeing the frame of our hall. 


to scale model of hallway (10 inches by 2.5)
this is the base of our hall, 3 8-foot rockers that are supported by 2x8s and ply wood.
Anyway the interior will be decorated in a timeless sort of Victorian motif, with satin wallpaper and hardwood floors. it should be pretty amazing. 

Stay tuned for more details at the film develops.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Work: 'Fables' collaboration with Brandon Frederick, 'Playing House Series', and 'Friday Night'
An archive of 250 cell phone pictures
Work: 'The Easter Bunny', 3 images from 'The Hills' Series, a few pieces of work from my travel abroad trip to France, 'About it's own making', 'The Tree House', and 2 portrait studies.
Work: two 35mm images i took in the 4th grade
Work: close up of Cell pictures
Work: more cell pictures
First Wall
Work: 'Real Men Magazine covers'
Add caption
second wall
Cell phone wall

This is just visuals of my retrospective. i'll add text later.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

For class Wednesday

Titles and Untitles.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SHIT man.

So, theres this photographer that i stalk Julie Blackmon.

And i no longer can keep her to myself.

Her black and white work is delicious.

"The struggle between living in the moment versus escaping to another reality is intense since these two opposites strive to dominate. I believe there are moments that can be found throughout any given day that bring sanctuary.  It is in finding these moments amidst the stress of the everyday that my life as a mother parallels my work as an artist, and where the dynamics of family life throughout time seem remarkably unchanged.  As an artist and as a mother, I believe life’s most poignant moments come from the ability to fuse fantasy and reality:  to see the mythic amidst the chaos."

I feel like i deal with the same types of things when creating work. In the past my work has been focused on the moment of a situation, where the climax of an event is occurring and i capture the instant the subject gets caught in the current of the actions. I feel that over the summer my emotions have turned more to the direction of calm, yet poignant moments. The calm before/after the storm, if you will, creating a momental 'sanctuary' like Blackmon referred to. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010

under this roof

body of work i am kind of working on. this is a digital image, that i shot a long side a bunch of 4x5 color transparencies. i'm getting them processed this week.

this is based on the phrase "not under this roof" that was spoken to me many times in a reoccurring dream, i have had this summer. lately i have been trying to escape the 'roof' and experimenting with ways i can do so.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This summer i have to say that my thought process has changed. i don't think i go about thinking in the same ways that i used to, everything is purely emotional to me now. rather than a visual creation, i feel things and then have the need to create a representation of it.

... an incomplete thought, for now.

Monday, June 14, 2010

New Project


New daily photo blog with International Artists Lydia Katharine Boehr and Alex Lovell Smith.

Check it Out.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The End

Here's the final presentation of work for Semester show.
I got some pretty good feedback from these images and how they are displayed. I know that i can always improve on my print quality and craft but i am pretty proud of how this body came together.

Since I’ve started my work on the “Playing House” series I have become more aware of how I think about my work and myself through the filter of childhood. I used this method of thinking to help me sort out ideas I have on family, self, and space by projecting them onto ideal versions of my childhood self.
My final critique on my work this semester I felt I got the most feed back that related to my concepts and what I should think about in the future. So bare with me as I list some of them below:
----The Jealousy that adults tend to have of freedom of childhood. I think that this statement means a lot more to me at the end of this project then it would have at the start. I have arrived at a point were I am reminiscing on my past and remembering how easy it was just to play, and enjoy moments. As I get older I wish more and more for those time to come back.
----The effect of age in regards to the characters in my images. When I started creating this series I paid little to no attention to disguising the age of my sisters and I in my pieces. A comment that was made by Cyan in critiques saying “Well what if these were images of girls in their sixties,” made me think of all the connotations of what being a young adult means. The word YOUNG-ADULT is a hybrid of maturity and immaturity, this is a very delicate age to be at for women and it becomes a very pivotal point in the direction of a person’s life.
----The growth of my images by means of spatial value and story telling. Very well put in critiques was the fact that my images have grown much more personal and abstract as I have continued through the series. The image called “The Hoover” takes away facial emotion and lends them to the body so the bodies of the character hold the power. The image called “Secrets” of the girls under the blanket shows us the relation of space, inside a space and how it can be inhabited differently. I have removed the action of the scene from the viewer and it adds a new element to the moment of the photograph.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


God i miss shooting in color.

next semester, here i come.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cellular Imaging

Side work, snippet of a paper i wrote.

"Just like the telephone, Multimedia services allow us to be in contact with another person with out the direct confrontation that talking in person would hold. We are freer to communicate imagery and content through a 3rd person object resulting with a less censored exchange. People in today’s culture grab onto a cell phone like a cigarette we must always be in constant contact with our phones just in case we need to send a quick text or make an emergency call. Now that all of these portable phones are connected with a camera think of it this way: our vice is now to constantly be in physical contact with a camera or video camera. Think of the impact this could make on our society if millions of people were photojournalists, documenting life around them. In essence, this is what the camera phone is, except it is not limited to middle aged men and women but to all ages and races and status levels. Now that we have the beginning of a huge archive of digital images dating from 2004 onward, what will these images mean to society? Thousands of poor quality records of personal and public events are starting to create a new subculture of a Cell Phone genre. Documentation of high and low society can bring a lot of cultural issues into the face of the public, and to mass amounts of people instantly. "

-"Cellular Imaging", for my Alternative Photography class.

Images provided by: Jade Hackett, Travis Williams, Austin Buckingham, and Steven Lewis.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

new... well kind of.

So here are some images that i haven't really fit into my series yet. I was going through them all and i figured it might be nice to put them out there just for kicks and giggles.

With our Fathers.

Hair Curlers

a round about photo.

Here's a fun way to create a final product: take an original photo -- digitally print it 1 time as a digital negative, then print as a silver gelatin print, photograph, scan, enlarge, reprint as a digital negative, and then print in the dark room once more. take final image and then set on fire.

clean up excess.
repeat 12 times.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Basement Journey

Digital Images.

This weekend I will be shooting some more intimate images. In our completely awesome self driven perfect beautiful day-ed class on Wednesday we discussed the need for more internal progression for the characters. Ima' try to get on dis... for real.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Playing House Video

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Janet and Keats

The very last sonnet that John Keats wrote before he died at age 25 was this,

Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art! -
Not in lone splendor hung aloft the night,
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like Nature's patient sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priest-like task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors -
No -yet still steadfast, still unchangeable,
Pillowed upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever -or else swoon to death.

I was reading some of Keats' work, and got inspired to to watch an Australian film in correlation with the BBC that was made about his life called Bright Star. Besides the fact it was EXTREMELY sad, it was a very beautifully made movie.

As i was watching it, the nerd inside me started to realize that the composition of the scenes reminded me of my work and how i have been choosing to lay out my narrative pieces I've been doing.

Janet Patterson was the fashion designer and set designer of the film. She also did movies like The Piano
and Oscar and Lucinda. Janet has a beautiful natural way of dressing actors and film sets that i really admire. I feel that in order to make my images more successful i need to look into more cinematic way of looking at things. It was suggested to me during crits that people view my images like a film and the off screen information, or lack of information kept each of my pieces independent as well as linked. Ive been trying to research films that i like the space and design of and follow their creators.

(Here's a shot from the Piano that i really enjoyed.)

So Bright Star with good ol' Janet here was my first endeavor.
Comments, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.