I want to explore. I want to discover things that I didn’t know existed. I want to use light to map my adventures and pave the way for others to find me. I use my dreams, my insecurities and my aspirations as tools to create worlds that my viewers can get lost in, using their own assumptions and imagery to add to the reality or enchantment of these fabricated worlds.
I create photographic stills and video. The ambiguity between what is staged and what is ‘actual’ creates intrigue and questions the reality of where these spaces could or do exist. Narrative suggests story and therefore a movement, a story needs to progress in order to be told. I want to be able to add to the meaning of my still images by giving them a place, a past, a present and future existence. My roll as an artist in is more than a creator; I am a character in the creation of these preserved moments. Acting as participant and a witness of processes and final work. With my work I try and enlighten and question the perception of what is ‘actual’ and the limits in which reality can occur.